F. A. Q.
1. How old do I need to be in order to purchase the products?
According to California laws,you need to be 14+ years to be able to buy the pepper spray, and 16+ years to purchase the stun watch. Different states may vary.The other products do not have specific age requirements.
2. Can I bring the pepper spray to my school or workplace?
For the state of California,at age 14+, the school can not hold you accountable for having the pepper spray on campus as long as it's not misused. Restrictions may vary by work place. Note that other states may vary with their laws.
3. Why are the pepper sprays only a one time usage?
Because the product would only be used in an emergency the likelihood of using it is low, though the assurance of security is worth the price.
4. How much harm do the self defense items inflict on the assaulter?
The products are not designed to be deadly enough to put the assaulter at risk. They are designed to allow consumers to escape any dangerous situation.
5. How long does it take products to be shipped to me?
It will take 3-4 business days.
6. What are the return/exchange policies?
Store credit can be issued for products that are returned within 30 days. Money will not be issued back for products being returned unless there are certain defects. For more information on how to deal with product defects, please contact us.